Psychic, magic and mystical development:
A programme of exercises to develop your psychic abilities.
(Attendance of meetings will increase the speed of your development but is optional) LESSON ONE
How the Incredible potential of your original ego can work for you.
Your dormant-lying original ego,
- Scientifically substantiated facts
- The structure of your original ego
- Description of the ten parts of your original ego
- Three steps, to force your psychic powers into every part of your body
- The dynamite, which is hidden in your protoplasmic sensitivity
- The disadvantage of the command-adaptation
- What the development of only 1% of your original ego will mean to you
How you can bring your conscious mind, your emotional recording-centre and your centre of organ control to be controlled by psychic powers
How you can raise the impulse urge of your psychic command
- Exercises for commands to your conscious mind through psychic powers
- How you can develop your sense of time with the mastering of psychic powers
- How you can increase and intensify your willpower through your psychic powers
- Exercises to sharpen your mind with the control of you psychic powers
- How to create wonderful pieces of art, when psychic powers control the emotional recording- centre
- How you can get your emotional recording-centre and your centre of organ control to be influenced by your psychic powers
- How you can develop your power of spatial discernment or your sense of spatial direction
- How you can bring your centre of organ control under your psychic control
How to control your muscle co-ordination through psychic powers
How you can profit limitlessly from the psychic control of your muscle co-ordination
- How your muscle co-ordination works
- How your muscle co-ordination can also help you on a day to day basis
- The multiplied power, which your muscles get through your psychic abilities
- How you can develop your psychic powers for muscle co-ordination
How to control the resistance of nerve gaps by means of psychic powers
How your chemical nerve-bridge sends information and commands over the Nerve gaps
- Your psychic arch and how to produce it to reduce the resistance of the nerve gaps
- What your psychic arch does to the nerve gaps when you add the use of psychic powers
- How one can speed the mastery of every skill with the help of the psychic arch
- How your psychic arch controls your so called "Stammpfad"
- The power of the all embracing psychic arch and how to use it
- How to reach unsurpassed self -control with the remarkable secret of the delayed psychic arch
How you can control the Nerve electricity in your brain and body with psychic powers.
Your Nerve
The unlimited boundaries of your unsatisfied limb control
- The difference between the various parts of your brain
- The fast way to build a new section in your brain to develop a new skill
- How to control your personality with psychic powers
- How you can control the nerve electricity of your muscles with psychic powers
- How to achieve a balance between your own Body electricity and cosmic electricity
- How you can control others with your nerve Electricity
How you can multiply your energy by the control of psychic powers
The importance of breathing for generating energy
- Energy producing breathing and your conscious mind
- How to regularly do deep breathing
- The advantages of deep breathing through psychic powers
- The horizontal AOzona@: How to quickly revive your energy when tired
- The ducked AZembla@: How to speedily revive your energy after exhaustion
- The AZembla@ an incredible addition to your powers
How to achieve psychic endurance with the help of the ducked AZembla@ and the horizontal AOzona@
- How to use Zembla to delay ageing
- The indestructibility of your thinking energy
How to become @never tired with the control of your muscle tone by means of your psychic power
How you can keep fit generally
- The great value Muscle tone has for you
- How your Body achieves muscle tone
- How muscle tone can be never ending extended to never be tired again
- Exercises to extend your muscle tone with the help of your psychic powers
- How to overcome clumsiness by mastering selective muscle toning
- The secrets of wonderful muscle endurance
- The three means of elimination by which to rid your muscles of the products of tiredness
- Exercises to develop the psychic power to control your muscle tone
- Exercises to control the muscle tone of your heart, an aid to live a long life
- Exercises for the muscle tone control just as you like
How to use the amazing powers of your brain sensors and how to control them by means of your psychic powers.
The amazing composition and electricity of your brain sensors
- The amazing ammunition of your brain waves
- Your brain wave goals
- The artillery to fire the explosives of your psychic power through the brain sensors
- The overwhelming power of your infrared waves
- Exercises to double the power of your infrared wave projection
- The effect which the power of your infrared waves could have on Jack or Jane
- The undisputed power of your radio waves
- Exercises to increase the power of your radio waves
How to control your audio and visual reflex centre by means of psychic powers
The upper AColliculi"
- Your visual reflex centres
- The function of your visual reflexes
- How your upper Acolliculi@ work
- Exercises to control your visual reflexes by means of psychic power
- The secret of your power to detect movement
- Your lower colliculi
- Your audio reflex centre
- The great advantages to control your audiovisual reflex centres by means of psychic powers
How to control your original visual centre and your highest centre of vision by means of psychic powers
The function of your original visual centre
- How to awake your original visual centre
- The most important parts of your highest centre of vision and how to make them work for you
- The sought after winnings, awarded to you when you develop your highest centre of vision and control it by means of your psychic powers
- How to develop sharp vision by means of psychic powers
- How your original visual centre and your highest centre of vision recognise colours
- How to rejuvenate your eyes daily by means of nerve electricity of the ASwitch -off effects.
How to control your original audio centre by means of psychic powers.
What your original audio centre can do for you
- Your cochlear electricity
- Your mysterious other audio centre
- The mysterious power of your cochlear electricity
- The ten convincing differences between your cochlear electricity and your real audio nerve electricity
- Amazing advantages await you, when controlling your cochlear electricity by means of psychic power
- The three steps to hypersensitive hearing
- How to develop your cochlear electricity by means of psychic powers and so automatically intensify your original audio centre
- Exercises to develop your cochlear electricity and to control it by means of your audio psychic power
How to use the healing powers of your alter ego to control others by means of psychic powers
- How to use the great healing power of your alter ego on a day to day basis
- The steps for healing by means of the alter ego
- The creation of the Avisually cured organ
How to do the seemingly impossible by means of your body electricity and your brain sensors
The human lamp
- How to create a human lamp
- The miracle of the psychic antidroms
- How your psychic power centre can keep you young
- The great value of the headstand position
- The increase of your electrical potential
- Why even you can perform miracles
- The power of molecular action
- The latent jet invincible power from which all things burst
- The control of psychic power over matter
- Molecular eyes
- How a cloud can be dispersed
- The power of your words
How to develop the power of vision of your psychic power and gain unbelievable things
The miracle of the power of vision of the psychic power
- Means to gain power of vision of the psychic power
- How the usually used methods can function to help you gain the power of vision of your psychic power
- How to develop the vision of your psychic power by means of the usually used 3rd method
- How to develop the vision of your psychic power by means of the 4th method
- The 5th and 6th methods to develop the wonderful power of vision of your psychic power
How to develop the sense of hearing of your psychic power and how to put it to incredible use
The watertight, indisputable evidence for the sense of hearing of the psychic power
- The sense of hearing of the psychic power
- The composition of your highest centre of hearing
- The less important parts of the original alter ego
How to control your aura and its power of psychometry by means of psychic power
What controls your physio astral powers?
- How to use the aura to control your psychic powers
- The importance of the alkaline or acidity of your aura
- The psychic harpoon
- Exercises to develop your psychic harpoon
- Ho to use psychometry to control your psychic powers
- Psychometry for the past of objects
How to develop and use your astral senses for psychic power control
The meaning of your astral senses
- How to control your astral senses by means of psychic power
- Exercises to develop a sense for the presence of living things
- How to use your astral tube for the control of psychic powers
- How the snake uses its astral tube to overpower its prey
- How to develop the astral microscope
- How to see through the astral microscope
- How you can develop the astral telescope
- How you can see through the astral telescope
- How you can develop x-ray eyes
- How to gain astral sense of hearing
How to gain profitable knowledge with psychic power control from the world of physio rays
The secret of how to contact the past or future with your mind
- The recordings of the earth from past and future
- Clairvoyancy of past and future
- How to gain the right sensitivity to tune into recordings of the earth from past and future
- The use of a crystal ball to support the right reception
- How foreseeing the future can be used practically to change it for the better
- How to exercise and develop foreseeing the future
How to use the control of psychic powers can be used to control others at will
How to develop a domineering psychic atmosphere with the swinging astral cone
- How to use the domineering psychic atmosphere and to profit from it
- How to climb the social and business ladder with irresistible vortex of your astral cone
- How to use your domineering psychic atmosphere to spontaneously gain useful knowledge or information
- The enormous dangers called up by fear and how to avoid them
- The development of the aura helmet
- Your best defence against foreign psychic power control
- How to intensify your psychic power by travelling by means of your astral body
- What you need to travel with your astral body
- The logical composition of your astral body
- How to project personified astral thoughts
How to control the physio-astral world by means of psychic power and so gain wonderful power
How to produce the magic picture you want others to see with induced vision
- How you can let others see what YOU want them to see
- How to use your astral body for telekinetics
- How to master and use the power of materialisation
- The wonders you can expect from treble concuss co-operation
- How to master levitation consciously
- Levitation through reversible magnetism
- How to levitate with your astral body
- The normal repellent of magnetic poles which exists between all people
- How to reverse the magnetic polarity of your body by means of psychic powers
- How to use your psychic template to keep your original ego constantly awake
- How to produce the psychic template
- How to be the new unrivalled me for the rest of your life
- Step by step methods to use the new unrivalled me